This past week confirmed that this has been THE BEST summer (aside from last year in Europe, because that's a whole 'nother beast!)- my mom and my best childhood friend got married, I've gotten to go to the beach a few times, I started this list which has been such an amazing motivation to do things I feel are important (and some that are just silly fun!), and most importantly, I have grown so much in my relationships with my friends (old and new!) and with Christ. It has been the summer I wish could last forever.
#25- Build a new friendship... I'm not crossing this off yet, because it's very new, but over the last few weeks, I have gotten to know two girls. Sabrina and Ana are amazing Godly women that I am so thankful for! I really feel a connection with Sabrina and think we have a lot to give each other and learn from each other. Ana is a WONDERFUL woman raising two fabulous kids, and her heart just shines through her smile every time I'm with her. I'm so excited to say that I could potentially be crossing #25 off TWICE! It's not everyday you make two amazing friends.
I just want to also take time to say, my Amanda has been such a blessing in my life. Her heart, wisdom, and personality are absolutely beautiful, and I am so glad that we have grown closer this summer. Her friendship has always been important to me, dating all the way back to my very first small group semester, but there is a new dynamic to it now. We have shared so much of our hearts with each other, over the last couple of weeks especially, and she just rejuvenates me! I feel so refreshed when I leave her, and wind up missing her when she isn't around! :)
Which brings me to #41, #42, and #1! I spent a solid 48 hours with Amanda this week, and not much of that time was sleep time!
Ana had on her list to watch the sunrise over the ocean... my #41 was also to watch the sunrise. We decided to drive to Tybee Island and get there in time for the sunrise! So, this past Thursday night, Amanda, Ana, and I hung out at Waffle House until midnight to load up on caffeine for a ROADTRIP! We laughed and sang and danced all the way there...and laughed some more... laughed until we cried... laughed the silent laugh even. Those girls are amazing (I think I might have mentioned that already... haha)! #42 on my list was to stay up all night, which I did! I actually topped it and only slept maybe an hour in a total of about 32 hours! Craziness... anyway, back to my #41. Watching the sunrise over the ocean was such an amazing experience. I really don't think I've ever watched the sunrise, honestly. Me being the crazy picture-taker, got like 60 shots of the sunrise, and even then I would just stop and sit in awe of what my amazing God paints for us every morning. Psalm 19:1, The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Amanda found this verse as we sat marvelling at the beauty. Amazing.
So, #41 and #42 were complete, it was time to head over (yes, on one hour of sleep) to the lake for Sabrina's birthday and get #1 -Go camping. For real.- crossed off the list. We had a cookout, sat around a fire talking and laughing... I did get attacked by fire ants which was unfortunate. Luckily, Sabrina's dad had some Benadryl for me... and about 1 am, Amanda and I headed into our tent. We had some amazing girl talk (even being doped up on Benadryl and both of us running on an hour of sleep!), and then both of us crashed... woke up to beautiful scenery... and I survived my first camping trip!!
We lounged on rafts in the lake all day- just what I needed. Next time I go camping, I will be wearing tennis shoes, of course. Freakin' ants... they sent me to an urgent care center on Sunday to get a cortizone shot because I am so allergic to them, my foot swelled up and made me look like the elephant man!! I just really didn't think of ants being an issue at the lake! Oh well, it was still a BLAST. :)
Back at ya, JIvey!! :)