Sunday, August 23, 2009

#83 and #92!

Sean is the provider of all sorts of redneck entertainment!!

#92- Shoot a gun.

Before going muddin', we decided to go shootin'. Please note the lack of "g's" in these words. They aren't allowed. :-P

I used to go shootin' with my ex-boyfriend, Donny in Carrollton, and I loved it. It's a little scary to be holding such a lethal weapon, but such a thrill. Sean reminded me of some important tips before I started shootin'...

Then I shot a couple rounds! I didn't do so bad, I hit a couple of the targets!

Oh but then, he pulls out the shotgun. I had NEVER shot a shotgun because honestly, the kickback scares me.

But I did it!!! And there was definitely a kickback, but it wasn't as bad as I expected. :) I was proud of myself for facing my fear.

After that, it was off to...
#83- Play in the mud.

It had been decided a while back that Brandi and Sean HAD to be a part of this one. Sean bought "Big Ugly," and immediately, muddin' was in Big Ugly's future. Check me out in front of Big Ugly with my wife beater and my Bud Light, of course. ;-)

It had been a couple of days since it had rained (this was pre-flood), so we weren't sure about there being a lot of mud... and there wasn't a whole lot, so Sean got the bright idea to have me jump into the mud, make a big splash, get muddy, play in it...

Well... there isn't a whole lot to do in a mud puddle as far as playing goes. I knew this wasn't going to count for playing in the mud. We continued driving, hoping for some more mud... and we found some!! We had a mud fight! (think snowball fight with nasty, gross, MUD.)

I am SUCH a girly girl when it comes to stuff like that. I do not like getting dirty... but I still had a blast getting pelted with mud by Sean, and of course, Brandi and I ganged up on him and tried to get him filthy. :)
#83 and #92, completed 8/23/09!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Aw dang...

I failed... Gotta get back on the band wagon. This school year is kicking my butt! I have not been updating my blog weekly like I wanted to, so I'm going to try to be more intentional about it. In the midst of the craziness at work, I have thought about my list a few times and what I could complete soon. I'm thinking of driving to my Mema's with my sister Labor Day weekend for the "surprise visit" (#14). We'll see how the weekend goes though. :)

#69 is looking so far from reach right now (pay off a credit card). I have got to get myself on a budget and actually follow it. I say it all the time, and I've had discussions with the "professionals" about what I'm supposed to do, it's just time to actually do it. Sigh.

So those are the two that are weighing heavy on me right now. On a lighter note, I really want to go "play in the mud" (#83) with Sean and Brandi. She is in town this weekend and he has this crazy ridiculous truck that he bought that would be perfect to go muddin' in... so hoping to get that planned soon.

Oh my gosh. I'm not even kidding. The ice cream truck just passed my house and I have no cash. DANG! So much for #56. ...aaaaaand there it goes again, the other way down my street. Oh well, there will be more opportunities. :)

Hopefully next time I update this, it will be with some muddy pics!! :)

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Eat ethnic food that I’ve never tried...

I am SUCH a picky eater. I am a creature of habit when it comes to a lot of things, but especially food. It's not that I don't like to try new things... it's just that I know what I like, so I stick with it. :)

A lot of you that know me, know that my ethnic food could have NEVER been Mexican... haha I joke that I was Hispanic in a past life because I literally could eat (and sometimes do) Mexican food everyday.

When Christina told me that she was going with her friend Caitlin to Zaya, I immediately knew I had to be "in." I had never even heard of the restaurant, and the menu looked REALLY ...interesting... in a good way of course. It was awesome! So good, I kept eating even after I felt like I was gonna pop. I ordered Chicken Shawarma with Baba Ghanuj and Yogurt Salad. We also ordered Falafel for an appetizer, which I had eaten in Europe last year and I didn't know there was even a place in Atlanta that served it! So yummy!! Our waiter, Gene, was hilarious... he was quite fond of our table (duh. three hot girls!!) and we enjoyed talking to him.

We finished the experience off with a hookah, then headed over to Dad's Garage for improv. We had a BLAST! Thanks Christina for making me try new things, and introducing me to Caitlin! :)